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Released yesterday in Italy, ReCreation has been featured prominently in the Italian press, with articles in La Repubblica, La Provincia di Como, L’Eco di Bergamo, L’Unita, Rumore, Radioattivita, and Terra News.

Two articles from La Repubblica are available in Italian on their website: here and here. The reviews from L’Unite and Terra News are available here and here.

Zap Mama’s songs have also been heard recently on the popular Italian radio programs Radio DeeJay, Caterpillar on Radio 2, and Alza il Volume and Battiti on Radio 3.

“Drifting” featuring G.Love was listed as one of the top songs on the Netherlands’ Radio 1.

Radio Monte Carlo included “Paroles Paroles” featuring Vincent Cassel on its Monte Carlo Nights Playlist.

ReCreation is available on iTunes (US) and iTunes (Italy).